Thursday, October 13, 2016

What's the Matter with Newsweek?

Donald Trump’s campaign is accusing a Serbian magazine of fabricating an interview in which the GOP nominee apologizes to Serbia for the 1999 NATO bombing in Yugoslavia.


"Mr. Trump never gave an interview to the Serbian weekly magazine Nedeljnikas [sic] as falsely reported by the discredited Newsweek, nor was such an interview conducted through our Indiana State Director.
It is Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald who reported erroneously on the Russian news source Sputnik's admitted mistake of attributing a quote to the wrong person, and falsely claimed the Russian government falsified a Podesta email, among other Russophobic assertions.

Was Newsweek once a reputable news source or did I just imagine that?

Or maybe it wasn't a hoax.  There seems to be some contention over the issue.  Imagine that.  Contention surrounding Trump.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.



I believe Adam is talking about the Serbian magazine that thought it had a Trump interview.

UPDATE 10/14:

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