Saturday, November 19, 2011

Occupy UC Davis

My alma mater.

Clearly, you can see from the picture that Lieutenant Pike is in mortal danger. Fearing for his safety, had no choice but to use pepper spray. So says the U.C. Davis PD:

UC Davis Police Chief Annette Spicuzza said officers used force out of concern for their own safety after they were surrounded by students.
This really does surprise me. Unless things have drastically changed, Davis is a milquetoast town, white bread America, a university town stuck out in the valley all by itself, surrounded by huge tomato farms; low crime, pretty much dead. Even the trees are imported and have to be watered. Students don't go to Davis for the excitement or the hubbub. There's no history of student unrest or violence. Everybody rides bicycles. All the streets have bicycle paths. Bicycles, which have to be registered with the city, outnumber motorized vehicles. Davis doesn't usually even need a police force. Except to ticket unregistered bicycles.

Lieutenant Pike looks like he's tired of living in an insular community where nothing ever happens. He obviously doesn't get much exercise.


...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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