Thursday, September 1, 2022

Joe lays it out in a public address

Pretty serious charges.  And, while true, surprising to hear a sitting president say so in a very public speech.

As always, Aaron Rupar was on it.  Start here:

Yep.  They did it in more than one Trump rally.

I have a question, tho:  What's with the creepy red lighting?   

Come on, Kyle.  They chose that blood red lighting specifically to get attention on the background.


Yes.  Those marines should not have been there.  How many times did we complain about Trump using military personnel in the background of his rants?

At least he gave up saying the ridiculous.

UPDATE:  It appears the lighting behind Biden was probably red, white, and blue.  And if so, white should have been sandwiched between red and blue, and been the lighting behind Biden.  Also, the marines shouldn't have been in the picture.  If they have a permanent position to maintain at the door there, the speech should have been staged elsewhere.  Poor choices all round.

Not enough white:

UPDATE:  To quiet the MAGA whining:

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