Monday, July 13, 2020

You have to wonder what Meadows thought when he took the job

While he has brought in a handful of staffers loyal to him in the legislative affairs, communications and press offices, Meadows has yet to establish a strong power base in a White House known for backbiting — and he has not been able to execute on many conservative priorities, according to interviews with a dozen current and former senior administration officials and Republicans close to the White House. And while Baker has boasted of masterminding the 1984 drubbing of Walter Mondale “right out of the chief of staff’s office,” Meadows’ boss is currently down nearly 10 points in national polls and looking increasingly doomed in November.


Several administration officials, Republicans close to the White House and conservatives have been underwhelmed at the Meadows tenure so far.

“They all say they will become the chief of staff, but they all become the chief to the president,” said one senior administration official assessing Meadows alongside Trump’s former chiefs, Reince Priebus, Gen. John Kelly and Mick Mulvaney.


Three-and-a-half months in, he has told people he is struggling with the chief’s job and that if Trump wins re-election, he’ll only stay in the role for an additional year, if that long.


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