Saturday, July 4, 2020

Well, well, well

"After testing positive, Kimberly was immediately isolated to limit any exposure," said Sergio Gor, chief of staff for the Trump Victory Finance Committee.

Too late.
Guilfoyle tested positive in South Dakota before she was set to attend the President's event at Mount Rushmore.


"She's doing well, and will be retested to ensure the diagnosis is correct since she's asymptomatic but as a precaution will cancel all upcoming events. Donald Trump Jr was tested negative, but as a precaution is also self isolating and is canceling all public events."


Guilfoyle had not had recent contact with the President, but she was in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and was backstage for his rally there and, was also at his event in Phoenix.
Somebody else in Tulsa has tested positive: Herman Cain. They're not the only two. You can bet on that.
All of Trump's campaign staffers who worked on the rally in Tulsa were quarantining last week after interacting with several colleagues who later tested positive for coronavirus


Guilfoyle and Trump Jr. had been in the upper Plains region hosting high-dollar fundraisers for several days, people familiar with the matter said.


Guilfoyle was not seen wearing a mask during the events.
There are currently a number of high-dollar donors getting tested and worrying.

Also....the woman who broke guidelines in the early days of the coronavirus by jetting to infested New Jersey for Passover has this to say:

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


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