Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tom Ridge has some words for Trump

The nation’s first secretary of the Department of Homeland Security had sharp words for his former agency Tuesday, condemning the Trump administration’s decision to send federal officers into the streets of Portland, Ore. to quell protests, saying it was “counterproductive,” and that it was not the agency’s mission to act as domestic law enforcement.

“The department was established to protect America from the ever-present threat of global terrorism. It was not established to be the president’s personal militia,” ex-Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said during an interview with Sirius XM host Michael Smerconish.

Ridge prefaced his remarks by saying that “had I been governor, even now, I would welcome the opportunity to work with any federal agency to reduce crime or lawlessness in the cities,” but believed the White House was wrong to do it unilaterally.


The White House has said it may deploy similar units to other cities controlled by Democratic mayors, including Philadelphia.


Speaking to Smerconish Tuesday, Ridge said such an approach is “counterproductive,” and would make the situation worse instead of better.

  Pennsylvania Capital-Star
Which is exactly what the Portland mayor and Oregon governor are saying IS happening.
"[W]hen you work unilaterally, and perhaps even against the work that’s going on in the states and the communities, I think it’s counterproductive and it sends the wrong signal. Frankly, I also think it sends a horrible signal globally that we’re just going to send in uninvited federal agents to deal with a state and local problem.”

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