Wednesday, July 22, 2020

They spied on Joe Biden!

Now when Trump squeals they spied on his campaign, Joe can commiserate, and then say, "But you don't see ME whining about it." And when Trump says Biden was so sketchy the FBI had to spy on him, Biden can say, "Back at ya."
Christopher Tigani was a wealthy beer distributor who relished his close ties to Delaware politicians, particularly Joe Biden, when the FBI confronted him outside a Royal Farms gas station in September 2010.

Tigani was in trouble. While serving as a bundler for Biden’s aborted 2008 presidential campaign, he had reimbursed his employees for contributions made in their names, a well-worn tactic for circumventing campaign-finance laws.


He would wear a wire for the FBI and record people close to the then-vice president, seeking, he said, to confirm his belief that they knew of his reimbursements and investigate whether they, or others close to Biden, engaged in any quid pro quo deals with donors.


Tigani said he recorded conversations with former Biden finance chief Dennis Toner as well as a businessman close to Biden and a Biden aide-turned-lobbyist. He said he also sought to develop evidence against other players in Delaware politics.


The information Tigani provided to federal investigators was “not actionable” according to a confidential 2012 letter sent from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware to the United States Probation Office detailing his attempted FBI cooperation.


Ultimately, only Tigani himself faced federal charges.


A special prosecutor appointed by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, who recused himself, brought no charges against politicians or their aides, but warned of “a compelling need to reform the ‘pay to play’ culture out of which the conduct that led to this investigation may have grown.”
Joe's son, you say? Well THAT doesn't look suspicious, does it?
Tigani, now 49, agreed to share the details of his informant work for the first time, in part, he said, because he felt he was left out to dry by the Bidens when revelations about his illegal fundraising for both Joe and son Beau, along with other top officials, placed him at the center of a Delaware political scandal a decade ago.


At the time of Tigani’s 2011 guilty plea, a spokeswoman for Joe Biden, then the vice president, denied he had any knowledge of Tigani’s crimes. Biden’s 2020 campaign repeated the denial.

As you would.
A former assistant U.S. attorney involved in the investigation, Robert Kravetz, said it produced no evidence of wrongdoing by the vice president. The FBI declined to comment.

But Tigani’s saga — the story of a businessman so eager to cultivate relationships with the leaders of his small state that he crossed the line into criminality — offers a window on the Delaware political world from which Biden emerged, one in which long-standing family and social ties often mix freely with business and policymaking.


But to its critics, the Delaware Way can look like a culture of favor trading and cronyism. In Tigani’s case, prosecutors defined it in a sentencing filing as “a form of soft corruption, intersecting business and political interests, which has existed in this State for years.”
"Delaware politics." Like it's different anywhere else.
[Tigani] described a 2011 meeting with the Biden aide-turned-lobbyist, part of his attempted FBI cooperation, in which he said he taped the former Senate staffer suggesting that the Bidens and Toner knowingly accepted straw donations from bundlers, a violation of campaign finance law. And Tigani recounted a phone call with Toner in which he said the campaign finance director seemed to know he was being recorded, saying “I don’t even know who else is listening,” before hanging up.

"The agents believed that Toner and Biden knew exactly what was going on with respect to bundling,” Tigani said, but the bureau was unable to prove it because the men were “too smart."

In response to written questions, Toner disputed Tigani’s recollections and said he did not know of Tigani’s illegal reimbursements until Tigani pleaded guilty to them in court.

That Tigani went to prison for campaign finance violations related to Biden’s campaign, and that he cooperated with federal investigators, has been known for years. But the details of his attempted cooperation, including the fact that the FBI investigated the Biden campaign, have remained secret until now.
Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy three months.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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