Wednesday, July 1, 2020

They always cry when they get called out

Your house is a fucking fortress.  Ypou could just stay inside and lock your doors if you're afraid.  Call the police.  They'll come in a hot minute to your privileged community.
“When I saw that mob come through the gate with their rage and their anger, I thought that we would be overrun in a second. By the time I was out there with my rifle, the people were 20 or 30 feet from my front wall,” he continued. “I was literally afraid that within seconds they would surmount the wall, come into the house, kill us, burn the house down and everything that I had worked for and struggled for for the last 32 years.”

  The Hill
LOL. Bullshit.  Why were they going to pick his house particularly? (Also, if you've seen the video, you know there was no threat. Not from the protesters, who were marching very peacefully.) He and his wife were the ones acting threateningly. He wasn't afraid.  He just doesn't like the backlash for acting a fool.
The McCloskeys, both personal-injury attorneys, live in a mansion that has been valued at more than $1 million.
Lawyers. They know better. That's why he's pulling out the fear for his life bullshit.
"I don’t understand. I’ve spent my career defending people that are defenseless,” McCloskey responded. “For people that are having a hard time making their miracle happen, for people that don’t have a voice. My Black clients love us. The night that this happened, I had some of our Black clients calling us up till 2:30 in the morning telling us how wrong it was the way the press [was] writing us up.”

He added that the incident had “nothing to do with race.”
Then why did you bring it up?
The couple is now under investigation by the St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, who said she was “alarmed” that peaceful protesters would be met with guns.

“We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated," Gardner said, adding that her office would not tolerate “the use of force against those exercising their First Amendment rights.”


You might have guessed: these two have history.


Gardner pushes back against Trump/Parson criticism:

[Missouri Governor Mike] Parson said at a news briefing that the couple “had every right to protect their property," while Trump went further in a discussion with, calling Gardner's investigation a "disgrace."

"They were going to be beat up badly, and the house was going to be totally ransacked and probably burned down like they tried to burn down churches," the president said.

"These people were standing there, never used it, and they were legal, the weapons," he added. "And now I understand somebody local, they want to prosecute these people. It’s a disgrace."

  The Hill
What total fucking bullshit.


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