Thursday, December 12, 2019

Obstruction of Congress continues

This time: Mike Pence.
Vice President Pence's counsel refused to release further information on the vice president's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, according to a letter obtained by The Hill.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) requested last week that Pence declassify the contents of his Sept. 18 call with Zelensky. Jennifer Williams, a career foreign service officer and Pence staffer, testified about the call last month, but later told lawmakers that the specific details of the conversation were classified.

  The Hill
Why? Something to hide? Surely anything classified could be released to the Intel Committee.
"As you well know, a witness answered your direct question that the Vice President never raised those investigations," the letter continues. "As such, the request to declassify and release another world leader transcript serves no purpose."
I don't believe that's an excuse for denial of a request from the chair of the Intel Committee.
"The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has already voted out its partisan Report and transmitted it to the House Judiciary Committee," it continues. "Your request, coming after the completion of your Report, serves no legitimate legislative or impeachment inquiry purpose."
Not true. Schiff has already said the investigation will continue if they get more information, and the Judiciary Committee still hasn't finalized its hearings.
In Schiff's initial letter requesting that Pence declassify the September call, he cited the vice president as saying that he has "no objection at all" to the release of information about his contact with the Ukrainian leader.

“Your willingness to release the transcript of your calls with President Zelensky necessarily means that you do not believe there is anything contained therein that would cause any harm to U.S. national security if publicly disclosed,” Schiff wrote.
Apparently, Mr. Pence has changed his mind.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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