Sunday, December 8, 2019

Impeachment thought

I've read differing interpretations of the Constitutional power of executive pardon "except in cases of impeachment." Does that mean he can't pardon someone who is impeached (eg. vice president, attorney general, judges); does it mean he can't pardon anyone convicted or involved in the president's own impeachment; or does it mean he can't pardon anyone if he himself gets impeached?

If either of those latter is the case, I'm going to guess he'll be under a lot of pressure to resign, even though he says he wants to get it over with and get to a Senate trial. How many of his criminally complicit allies will be willing (and even eager) to start singing once they realize he can't pardon them?  If he resigns to avoid the problem, he'll have to do it this month.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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