Wednesday, December 11, 2019

As if they don't know already

And as if it will change their behavior.
The three children in question — Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Ivanka Trump — were all officers at the Trump Foundation, which was accused by prosecutors of fraudulently misappropriating funds for the president’s personal expenses.

The Trump Foundation agreed to voluntarily disband as part of its settlement with the New York Attorney General, and Trump paid out $2 million in compensation to eight different charities to make up for the money that the foundation misused over the span of several years.

In addition to paying $2 million, the president also had to admit that he misused foundation funds to fund his own presidential campaign, pay off his businesses’ legal expenses, and to buy a $10,000 portrait of himself that wound up being displayed at one of his Florida hotels.

  Raw Story
But he's the least corrupt president we've ever had, right? ...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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