Saturday, August 10, 2019

Trump spreading Clinton murder conspiracy

That's rich.  Jeffrey Epstein had information on Donald Trump, too.


"By accident."  LOL   I accidentally watched a TV show.  How does that work?

All the reports said the patients didn't want to see him.  That's why they had to go get that baby.

Actually, Trump went to the Hamptoms.  It wasn't a secret.

Unadulterated bullshit.   China is simply making trade deals with other countries.  Xi can wait out Trump.  No, thousands of companies are not leaving China because of the tariffs.

So many false statements.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


He's worse than that, George.  And how is your wife going to defend/spin this?*

I'd say he's worried about what's going to come out about him and is hoping to get the focus deflected elsewhere.

*  UPDATE 8/11: Right on cue:

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