Sunday, December 9, 2018

What became of the Giuliani leak investigation?

More on Comey's testimony Friday...
Speaking on Capitol Hill at a closed-door deposition, Mr. Comey said that he ordered a leak probe after Mr. Giuliani made public statements that indicated he had inside knowledge of the FBI investigation into whether Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information.

“I was concerned that there appeared to be in the media a number of stories that might have been based on communications reporters or non-reporters like Rudy Giuliani were having with people in the New York field office,” Mr. Comey said in a transcript of his Friday appearance before the House Judiciary and Oversight committees that was released Saturday.


Mr. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, previously served as the top federal prosecutor in New York, where he worked closely with the FBI’s operations in the city. That background afforded him extensive contacts in the city’s law-enforcement community.


“Mr. Giuliani was making statements that appeared to be based on his knowledge of workings inside the FBI New York,” Mr. Comey said. “And then my recollection is there were other stories that were in the same ballpark that gave me a general concern that we may have a leak problem—unauthorized disclosure problem out of New York, and so I asked that it be investigated.”

Mr. Comey said he was fired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation before the outcome of the probe was complete, and the status of the investigation is unknown.

If Trump had that nixed, there's another piece of evidence in Mueller's obstruction of justice probe. I'm sure there are plenty.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 12/10:

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