Friday, December 7, 2018

Matt Taibbi summarizes the Bush I legacy

It’s become fashionable in some circles this week to denounce the newly buried George. H.W. Bush as a war criminal, but that seems gratuitous. After all, from a technical standpoint, what American president isn’t a war criminal? It’s probably a short list.

Thanks to the invasion(s) of Iraq, the bombing of civilians in places like Cambodia and Laos, Guantanamo Bay/torture, the overthrow of numerous democratically elected foreign regime, and support of repressive states like Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, “war criminal” is kind of a weak accusation to throw at a commander-in-chief.

  Matt Taibbi
Continue reading.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE  1/17/19:  Seymour Hersh article about Bush's role in Iran-Contra.

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