Sunday, July 1, 2018

America's torture regime is back in business

The US Customs and Border Protection Agency has quietly resumed late-night deportation of Mexican citizens, according to human rights activists, despite a 2016 agreement with the Mexican government that halted the controversial practice that makes deportees vulnerable to gangs and human trafficking.


After years of complaints from Mexican officials and human rights workers, CBP and ICE announced the agreement on Feb. 23, 2016. The agreement not only made it less likely that deportees would be kidnapped, it also allowed human rights workers operating shelters in border towns to arrange for them to be brought directly to them, where they could be fed, given clean clothing, medical assistance and help in contacting family members.

But now we're Making America Great Again! (TM)

All that time we were hearing horror stories of brutality at the border, we were feeding the beast.
Human rights activists in Nogales said they first noticed the shift in policy in the last week, when US officials deported Mexican nationals at 11 pm, 11:30 pm, and midnight, all of which would violate the agreement, which limits deportations to between the hours of 5 am and 10 pm.
Ten at night is too late as well. Is the border patrol running shifts for transportation to the border?
At some ports of entry, Mexican officials would have personnel on hand to help process deportees 24 hours a day. But in smaller ports of entry where Mexican officials work normal daytime hours, US authorities would simply drop the deportees off.


In many cases, they have no idea what town they are in, speak little to no Spanish and have few if any ties to the local community.


Between 10 and 15 individuals were deported at the later times, according to activists, who said they were sent through the pedestrian walkway, rather than being handed over to Mexican officials, which also appears to violate longstanding practice.
That seems to indicate an intention to harm.

Trump's border policies amount to terrorism. They're intended to scare people out of coming here.
The practice was a boon to drug cartels, local drug gangs, and pimps, which targeted the deportees for kidnappings and being forced into prostitution, particularly in border towns that cater to US tourists.
Feeding them to the wolves and feeding American sexual appetites to abuse them a second time. Nice. 

USA!  USA!  Greatest damned country in the UNIVERSE!  (Again.)

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