Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Techno Revolution?

Yeah, sorry.  I don't believe it.  Anonymous might.  But Silicon Valley programmers making beaucoup bucks?  All hat, no cattle, when it comes to revolution.
On most policy questions, there are two sides to the debate, where reasonable people disagree. Crypto backdoors isn't that type of policy question. It's equivalent to techies what trying to ban guns would be to the NRA.

So the FBI trundles along, as if the opposition were hippies instead of ardent revolutionaries.

So, a techie slams people by calling them "hippies". Probably how  FBI agents talk, too.

That's an old, worn out insult that isn't an insult at all. What, I ask you, was wrong with hippies? For the most part, they were peace-loving youngsters who respected the environment and believed in "live and let live". It's an insult in the same way the word "liberal" is. I met a Democrat while living in Galveston who said it's a sad day when you get slammed for caring about people. (He also said he was not from Texas; he was from Galveston, an island south of Texas.)
There will eventually be another major terrorist attack in the United States, and the terrorist will have been using encrypted communications.
With this, I agree. Another FBI "sting".
Julian Sanchez is probably right that at this point, the FBI isn't pushing too hard, and is willing to just pressure companies to get what they want (recovered messages from iCloud backups), and to give populist activists like the EFF easy wins (avoiding full backdoors) to take the pressure off. But in the long run, I believe this issue will become violent.

I'm with George. I won't hold my breath waiting..

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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