Friday, December 8, 2017

Fake News may be an earned epithet for CNN and NBC

It's obvious that if news sources report false news, people will understandably stop trusting them. If they're going to claim they were fed false news, we need to know who's doing the feeding. You have no obligation to protect sources who lie to you, and thereby to the public. Out them so no other news outlets will use them either.

This is especially egregious for CNN (NBC and CBS) because Trump is constantly slamming them with being "fake news". They cannot afford to be careless. I'm starting to doubt them both myself.

This is CNN's correction notice on the article.

That's it.  And then the article is changed.  There's nothing to tell you how this changed their analysis of what happened.

Their reporter, however tweeted that information:

So, yeah.  Not such a big juicy scoop after all, eh?

Yep.  That's about it.

Amen.  Bit it's worse than that.  It reinforces all Trumpettes' belief that they only get the truth from Trump and Fox News - the two biggest sources of fake news in the country.

(And right on the heels of an ABC reporter having just gotten suspended for a mistake in scoop reporting.)

The Washington Post gets the honor points for debunking the CNN story.

Tighten up your product, news people.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


Very likely.

UPDATE: Greenwald lays out the debacle in an Intercept article.

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