Monday, November 18, 2013

A Woman in the White House

"I hope we have a woman president in my lifetime, and I think it would be a good thing for the world as well as for America," [former US president Bill] Clinton said at a conference organised by the respected Chinese financial magazine Caijing.

He hopes that because he wants Hillary in the office, putting himself back in the White House.

We don't need the Clintons there again.  A woman might be great.  But not Hillary.  How about Jill Stein?  Margaret Flowers?  Elizabeth Warren?  Any one of them would be light years better than Hillary Clinton (or any MAN who's likely to run). 

Watch this very interesting and encouraging segment on Bill Moyers with Jill Stein and Margaret Flowers.
(I.E. doesn't want to show the video sometimes. If you have problems, go to the home page of the site: or do a search for Bill Moyers Stein Flowers)
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

And if you want the links to the sites mentioned in the Moyers segment, here you go:

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