Thursday, December 10, 2020

How thick are they?

It's amazing that they don't seem to grasp the obvious conclusion: that a whole lot of Republican voters voted for their state candidates while rejecting Trump. As someone else pointed out, these lawsuits just keep providing arguments showing how badly Trump performed.

It seems as though Trump is dictating these ridiculous pleadings.  And in this case I wouldn't be surprised. The attorney who filed the case has some criminal charges he'd like a pardon for.*

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

*UPDATE:  Paxton's criminal exposure is on a state level, so he can't get a presidential pardon.  So, I assume he's just doing this for publicity and because he's an asshole.

FURTHER UPDATE:  Looks like he may have need of a pardon  after  all.  Perhaps he knew this was coming...

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