If New York had been more diligent in routing out mob corruption in the city when Trump was a businessman there, we wouldn't now be saddled with Trump as president.A team of investigators from Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office visited former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen in prison about a month ago and asked a broad set of questions about the president’s business that went beyond the payments made to silence Stormy Daniels, according to two people familiar with the matter.
Vance’s team is planning to follow up with another interview of Cohen this month, the people said.
Though federal prosecutors in New York have closed their campaign-finance investigation that led to Cohen’s conviction, Vance’s probe shows no sign of letting up. A federal judge ruled yesterday in Vance’s favor, saying the city prosecutor should be allowed to investigate Trump and obtain several years of tax records from the real-estate mogul turned president.
Trump’s lawyers have appealed the decision, and the next hearing is scheduled for Oct. 23.
The district attorney is trying to determine whether the Trump Organization violated the New York state law against manipulating a company’s books and records to hide illicit activity. The extent of the inquiry is unclear, but the questions that Vance’s team already asked indicate an interest the Trump Organization’s inner workings.
...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.
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