Saturday, October 13, 2018

Proud Boys update

Perfectly timed retweets.
My mother (living in a rural community) just now, reading the local paper, complaining:  The paper has stopped printing the names of people who get arrested.  Just the age and what they were arrested for.
Me:  That's a good thing.
Mother:  How's that a good thing?
Me:  Well, would you want to have your name printed?
Mother:  No!  And I wouldn't want to get arrested either!  Of course I wouldn't want my name printed.  That's a good reason to think twice and try to follow the rules!
Apparently, no one was ever wrongfully arrested; no one ever made a mistake one time; no one was ever to poor to pay a fine.

I wish it were just old people who get off on seeing other people punished, and then when they all die off, we could have a compassionate world.



Even the NYPD will respond to bad publicity if it hits the mayor.

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