Monday, July 2, 2018

Is Cohen actually turning on Trump?

Or is he merely making it clear that he needs assurance of a pardon?
“My wife, my daughter and my son have my first loyalty and always will,” Cohen told George Stephanopoulos in an interview that aired Monday. “I put family and country first.”


Though Cohen, who is no longer the president’s lawyer, has previously suggested he would protect the president at all costs, he avoided directly answering Stephanopoulos’s question about whether he would choose between protecting Trump or his family if federal prosecutors forced him to do so.

“To be crystal clear, my wife, my daughter and my son, and this country have my first loyalty,” he said.

  The Hill
That's pretty clear, ok. But is it meant to be clear to Trump or to the public?
The joint agreement allowed Cohen and Trump’s lawyers to share information with one another, but when Cohen’s new attorney Guy Petrillo becomes his head counsel this week, this agreement will be terminated, ABC reported.

This could indicate deepening tensions between Cohen and Trump, who have touted their loyalty to one another in the past.

  The Hill

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