Friday, August 25, 2017

"Strong, New Sanctions" on Venezuela

President Donald J. Trump has signed an Executive Order imposing strong, new financial sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

  Shite House
Never mind that they're calling it a dictatorship (in fact, things are going south fast and Maduro isn't the man that Chavez was - who is likely spinning in his grave - did he misread Maduro?). You can read the whole thing for yourself. I just have two points that I can't keep myself from making:
As Vice President Mike Pence has said, in Venezuela, “we’re seeing the tragedy of tyranny play out before our eyes.” No free people has ever chosen to walk the path from prosperity to poverty. No free people has ever chosen to turn what was once, and should still be, one of South America’s richest nations into its poorest and most corrupt.
He was apparently standing in front of a mirror when he said these words.

Secondly, how does the US propose we keep advantage of Venezuela's oil if we're going to create more hardship for them? Oh,wait...
To mitigate harm to the American and Venezuelan people, the Treasury Department is issuing general licenses that allow for transactions that would otherwise be prohibited by the Executive Order.
Of course.

 ...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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