Friday, August 25, 2017

I Wondered Why Trump Was Coming to Missouri to Begin His Next Round of Rallies

What's our problem here in Missouri?
“In addition to far-right extremists (and) sovereign citizens,” [Don Haider-Markel, a KU professor and expert in political extremism] said, “Missouri also stands out for its black separatist groups and African-American sovereign citizens.”

He attributed Missouri’s relatively high number of hate groups to oppression endured in the area at the hands of the federal government.

  Kansas City Star
Do tell.
During the Civil War, the Union Army enacted a controversial measure to counter the guerrilla-style warfare practiced by Missouri “bushwackers” of the Confederacy. General Order No. 11 forced a mass evacuation in four western Missouri counties and the confiscation of property. Soldiers and bandits plundered abandoned properties and set them ablaze. The area became known as the “Burnt District.”

And here's the Southern Poverty Law Center map of hate groups in the US:

Trump is going to Springfield - down there in the southwest corner of the state.  According to the key for the map, that white hood represents the group Militant Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Or maybe it's the Traditionalist American Knights.  I don't get the key.  It seems to have more than one group listed per symbol, but the underlying parent group for each is the same.

Israel United in Christ is a hate group?
Israel United in Christ is the sole group in Kansas City. The group’s website rejects its designation by the SPLC as a black separatist hate group.

A message left with the KC Israel United in Christ group was not immediately returned.

“Black separatists typically oppose integration and racial intermarriage, and they want separate institutions — or even a separate nation — for blacks,” the SPLC says.

  Kansas City Star
So, maybe not hate, but "I don't want my daughter marrying one"?

Check out this key symbol:

"General hate."

Check out all the wonderful names of the groups, like The Political Cesspool in Bartlett, Tennessee.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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