Friday, August 25, 2017

Deconstructing America - Part N

As Charlottesville, Va., struggles to recover from last weekend’s deadly violence and authorities warn of increased threats from domestic extremists, the Justice Department is quietly shutting down a program that trains officers on combating terrorism.

The State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training program, which has served more than 142,000 law enforcement officers in every state in the country, has run out of funding. Its last day is Sept. 30.


The State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training program, known as SLATT, was created in 1996 in response to the worst act of domestic terrorism committed on U.S. soil — the April 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The program trains officers “to understand, detect, deter and investigate acts of terrorism in the United States by both international and domestic terrorists.”


“This is one of the best training programs in the country, and it’s provided free to law enforcement,” said Bob Paudert, a former police chief of West Memphis, Ark., whose son and another officer were gunned down by anti-government sovereign citizens during a traffic stop in 2010. “You can’t get a straight answer. And I have even sent word to the Trump administration. It’s just ridiculous.”


Justice Department appropriations documents show that the program received $2 million in 2012 and 2013 and $1 million in 2014. President Barack Obama requested $2 million for 2015, but Congress didn’t approve any funding. The Justice Department told The Star at the time that it would provide $1 million from within the agency’s budget to keep the program going.

Congress rejected the funding again in 2016 and 2017. The Trump administration did not request any funding for fiscal year 2018, which starts Oct. 1.
Isn't that just brilliant? Can we impeach Trump on the grounds that he's actually harming national security?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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