Friday, August 25, 2017

And Yet, He Wants to Keep Confederate Statues

Well, actually, he doesn't give a shit about the statues. He wants to keep his base agitated.
The US Interior Department plans to scale back or eliminate national monuments, despite an outpouring of public condemnation for the policy set forth by an executive order by President Donald Trump.

US Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke delivered the recommendations to the president’s desk on Thursday, following a 120-day study of 27 national monuments.

Zinke released a statement saying that monuments will be scaled back, but did not mention which ones. He stated that no monuments will be eliminated in the recommendation.


"Secretary Zinke needs to level with the American people. Which priceless national monuments does he recommend shrinking?" Drew Caputo, vice president of litigation for lands, oceans and wildlife at EarthJustice, said.

But the review has gained praise from energy, mining, ranching and timber advocates.

Of course it has. They want the use of that land.
Zinke already made a designation to shrink the size of Bears Ears National Monument, which stretches for 1.35 million acres and is located in Utah. It was designated a national monument last year by former President Barack Obama.
Making it a priority for Trump.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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