Wednesday, August 2, 2017

All Over the Map on North Korea

Washington does not seek regime change in North Korea and at some point would like to have a dialogue with Pyongyang to de-escalate the tensions on the peninsula, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said.

“We do not seek a regime change; we do not seek the collapse of the regime; we do not seek an accelerated reunification of the peninsula; we do not seek an excuse to send our military north of the 38th parallel,” Tillerson told reporters Tuesday in Washington DC.

"We don't need an excuse. We can do what we please," he did not say.
There is a military option for the US to destroy North Korea itself and stop “madman” Kim Jong-un, leading Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said, adding that if the war breaks out, thousands of people are going to die “over there, not here.”


“Trump is wrong in his assumption that Beijing can single-handedly settle the matter. As Beijing has said, repeatedly, it does not have the kind of ‘control’ over Pyongyang that the US president believes it does,” China Daily newspaper wrote in an editorial.


“Beijing has every reason to feel unfairly burdened with a task that is obviously beyond it, especially as it has been working diligently to broker a peaceful resolution to the crisis.”


“Pyongyang's right to develop nuclear capabilities aside, its constant saber-rattling cannot but be taken as a dangerous threat to all, including China, which feels threatened by the damage Pyongyang's nuclear weapons ambitions may inflict on its immediate neighborhood.”

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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