Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Eagerly Awaited New Muslim Ban Is Out

What's new? Iraq has been taken off the list. Now there are only six countries included.

That should fix the problem. The courts will surely let it stand now.

Oh, wait.  That's not all.  Of course not.
The order backtracks dramatically — exempting not only green card holders but all current visa holders, delaying the implementation of the order, and eliminating some of its glaringly illegal elements.


Despite the substantial ground the president has now conceded in the face of his legal defeats, however, the heart of the order remains. The order still singles out individuals from six of the same overwhelmingly Muslim countries, as promised in the same repeated pledges to institute a Muslim ban, and does so purportedly based on the same debunked national security arguments. Indeed, any suggestion that this new order represents a clean break from the prior one or from the president’s comments is undercut by various statements coming out of the White House, describing the new order as “a revised policy” that would advance “the same basic policy outcome for the country.”

Still problematic.  Let's see what the courts do with it now.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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