Sunday, November 13, 2016

It Starts to Get Scary

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said today that Presidential Daily Brief (PDB), which President Obama receives each morning along with other intelligence material h

"This is an important part in ensuring the kind of smooth transition that President Obama has prioritized," Earnest said.


The official notes that the sitting president determines what the president-elect will receive. Obama has decided to grant access to the PDB, which means Trump will receive the exact same thing Obama receives each morning -- as has been customary with recent transitions.

He'll start out tweeting "I know something you don't know!" Then he'll tweet hints. Can't wait.
A senior U.S. official said Trump has not received a PDB today, but can request it any day at his discretion.
Oh, haha. Joke's on me. He doesn't even want to sit through it.

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