Friday, August 2, 2013

How They See Through Us

If your Spanish is rusty, what Atilio is saying is that after more than three months since Venezuela's President Maduro won the election, Obama still hasn't (officially) recognized the victory.  After Carmona's (short-lived) coup (against the elected Chavez presidency), the US recognized him within hours.

May 6:
President Barack Obama avoided recognizing the government of Venezuela during a recent interview with Univision, explaining that he was concerned about recent "crackdowns" against members of the Venezuelan opposition. He also said that recent news reports suggest that basic principles of democracy and human rights are not being fully observed by Venezuela's government.

Obama's statements on Venezuela came about during an interview with Univision anchor Maria Elena Salinas, who met up with the U.S. President during his recent trip to Mexico.

Here's a John Pilger report from a few years back regarding Venezuela and the US stance against it:

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