Thursday, August 17, 2017

Unwelcome in Phoenix

Mayor Greg Stanton of Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday called on President Donald Trump to postpone a planned campaign rally in the city after violence erupted at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“I am disappointed that President Trump has chosen to hold a campaign rally as our nation is still healing from the tragic events in Charlottesville,” Stanton said in a statement.

Nasty feud tweeting from the Asshat in Chief in 3..2..1..
He suggested that Trump might have scheduled the rally to “announce a pardon for former Sheriff Joe Arpaio,” who was convicted in July of criminal contempt of court. “Then it will be clear that his true intent is to enflame emotions and further divide our nation,” Stanton said. “It is my hope that more sound judgment prevails and that he delays his visit.”
As we said back on November 8, abandon hope.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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