Friday, October 14, 2016

The Flood Gates Are Open Now

The stories all seem to harken back to the 90s, and if Trump had originally apologized by saying he was out of his head for some reason and he has now grown up, he could have cut this stuff off at the knees. His morally bankrupt character, however, would not permit it.  He's still proud of it.  He's still the same man.
Kristin Anderson was deep in conversation with acquaintances at a crowded Manhattan nightspot and did not notice the figure to her right on a red velvet couch — until, she recalls, his fingers slid under her miniskirt, moved up her inner thigh, and touched her vagina through her underwear.

Anderson shoved the hand away, fled the couch and turned to take her first good look at the man who had touched her, she said.

Donald Trump, of course.
“It’s a sexual assault issue, and it’s something that I’ve kept quiet on my own,” Anderson said. “And I’ve always kept quiet. And why should I keep quiet? Actually, all of the women should speak up, and if you’re touched inappropriately, tell somebody and speak up about it. Actually go to the authorities and press some charges. It’s not okay.”
Bingo.  Men have been getting away with this shit forever.
Anderson said that she was particularly disturbed by the way the video caught Trump and Bush, who were aboard a bus, crudely discussing Arianne Zucker, an actress they spotted waiting to escort them onto a soap-opera set. Bush has since been suspended from his subsequent job as co-host of NBC’s “Today” show, and the network is reportedly negotiating his departure.
A mere TV personality gets canned. The man vying to be president of the United States - meh.

I don't think I'll be posting a clip on every story about this disgusting pig that our two-party, combative, low-information, low-intelligence system has finally brought us that's bound to come out now, but I do want to say this: you cannot touch a woman's vagina through her underwear, at least without damage to the underwear. Her vagina doesn't sit on the surface.  Reporting standards, people.  Reporting standards.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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