Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Game Goes On

Surely no one is surprised at the results.
Republicans rode a wave of voter discontent to seize control of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, dealing a punishing blow to President Barack Obama that will limit his legislative agenda and may force him to make a course correction for his last two years in office.

Really? What course correction would that be? He has done everything he could to please Republicans throughout his time in office.  Or are you saying that now that he is not virtually, but rather explicitly assured of losing any proposal with a whiff of liberalism or populism in it, he can pretend to fight for it?  But then, why would he even pretend?

Billmon has an interesting take on it:  he says that the thing to notice is how difficult and costly it was for the Republicans to eke out the narrow winning margins that they did.  Of course, you might look at that as more evidence that there isn't two cents worth of difference between the parties.

 ...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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