Friday, August 19, 2016


A recently published report of anti-Muslim abuse in England found that more than 60% of victims are women, and 75% of these women were visibly Muslim so were likely to be wearing some form of head-covering. Women were also more likely than men to suffer anti-Muslim attacks on public transport or when shopping. The vast majority of the perpetrators in these incidents were white men, motivated by stereotypes.

  Juan Cole
And, perhaps more importantly, by their cowardly tendency to pick on someone they believe is unlikely to fight back or incapable of self-defense/retaliation.

The whole anti-hijab thing is as ridiculous as it is disgusting.  When I was a grade-school child in Missouri in the 50s and 60s, on windy or chilly days, 90% or more of girls and women walking or shopping could be seen wearing a headscarf over her entire head and tied under her chin.  No one associated that with any religion or had any disparaging remarks to make about it.

While motoring in a convertible or with the windows down, headscarves were de rigueur.

Tippi Hedren in hijab in The Birds

Sophia Loren in hijab

Elizabeth Taylor in hijab

Jackie Onassis in hijab

Audrey Hepburn in hijab

Queen Elizabeth in hijab

In short, head covering for fashion or practicality have been perfectly okay for anyone EXCEPT Muslim women.

WTF, people?

This is okay, right?

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