Monday, July 18, 2016

The Perfect Pairing for Trump - a Man with a Vampire Daughter

Donald Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, inadvertently created an internet frenzy when he posted a picture of his family on Twitter that some have taken as evidence that his daughter is vampire – or even a ghost.

We know she's not a ghost because people have seen her, so she must be a vampire.
Pence shared what initially appeared to be a normal photo of his family enjoying a meal while on the campaign trail in New York – only there was something very strange about it.

His daughter Charlotte appears to make no reflection in the mirror behind them.

Pence and his wife Karen’s reflections can both be seen, but Charlotte’s is non-existent.

While the non-existent reflection could be explained as a visual trick, and his daughter is small, her curly hair can’t be seen in the reflection either.

One possible explanation given was that she was photoshopped into the image.

Other people were more concerned about the boy in red that can be seen in the reflection, but not at the table.
No, fools, she wasn't photoshopped in. Here's the picture. It's no mystery. The daughter is being blocked by Pence, and the boy is across the aisle. But, hey, let's call her a vampire, shall we?

While the mystery of Pence’s ghost/vampire daughter was debated online, many others were more upset by the Indiana governor’s choice of restaurant – Chili’s – which is a restaurant chain.
We really have nothing better to do than critique every little thing. I hope Pence and his family are ready for this. But, hey, if you run with Trump, you're asking for all you get.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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