Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Quantum Mitt

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has repeatedly said he is not planning to run for president in 2016 but acknowledged Tuesday “circumstances can change.”

As quickly as Mitt Romney’s position. Read this wonderful essay on Mitt Romney from his last attempt: A QuantumTheory of Mitt Romney by David Javerbaum.

Under these Newtonian principles, a candidate’s position on an issue tends to stay at rest until an outside force — the Tea Party, say, or a six-figure credit line at Tiffany — compels him to alter his stance, at a speed commensurate with the size of the force (usually large) and in inverse proportion to the depth of his beliefs (invariably negligible).


[T]he “Mitt Romney” who seems poised to be the Republican nominee is but one of countless Mitt Romneys, each occupying his own cosmos, each supporting a different platform, each being compared to a different beloved children’s toy but all of them equally real, all of them equally valid and all of them running for president at the same time, in their own alternative Romnealities, somewhere in the vast Romniverse.

But the Romney candidacy represents literally a quantum leap forward.

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