Thursday, June 20, 2013

Say It Isn't So

James Gandolfini has died.

Although I never saw Sopranos - his most famous role - and I would never watch Zero Dark Thirty, I love James Gandolfini.  In my opinion, he is one of the best, if not, in fact, THE best actor ever on film. 

My personal favorite (and I haven't seen all his performances - maybe half) is his role in In the Loop - a superb and funny movie even without him.  He was good in Fallen, Crimson Tide and The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3, along with Denzel Washington (another top drawer - but certainly not better - actor).  The Mexican - he was just great.  Killing Them Softly - awesome.  Romance and Cigarettes - unbelievable.

I am so sorry that he won't be making any more movies.  Really, I can't think of any actor whose loss I'd be sorrier for.  I'm going to have to have a Gandolfini movie fest this weekend.  All by myself.

Aw, dammit.

RIP, Mr. Gandolfini.  You have certainly earned it from your stellar career. 

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