Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Colin Powell Keepin' It Classy

More leaked email.


Come on, in 2014, Powell didn't know every email he wrote would be collected and possibly leaked some day?

All of DC must be clinching their asses now.  Who has their emails?  What have they said?  East Coasters take cover.  The collective pucker may suck in everything from the Atlantic to the Smokies.
About two years’ worth of Powell’s emails were apparently stolen and posted at a shady website called DCLeaks.


Powell has privately denounced Republican nominee Donald Trump in remarkably strong terms. "Trump is a national disgrace and an international pariah," Powell wrote in an email this June, as BuzzFeed News first reported. The email was sent to a journalist who had previously worked for Powell.

In another email, Powell wrote that Trump "appeals to the worst angels of the GOP nature and poor white folks," according to CNN.


"Benghazi is a stupid witch hunt," he wrote in a December 2015 email to Condoleezza Rice, again according to BuzzFeed News. "Basic fault falls on a courageous ambassador who thoughts [sic] Libyans now love me and I am ok in this very vulnerable place."

However, Powell did add that other officials, including Clinton, did deserve some criticism, writing, "But blame also rests on his leaders and supports back here. Pat Kennedy, Intel community, DS and yes HRC." (Rice responded by writing, "Completely agree.")


Powell was harshly critical of the Democratic nominee — "Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris," he wrote — but he also seemed to think that Clinton could have easily quieted the [private email server] scandal by doing "a ‘Full Monty’" when it first broke, according to an email posted by the Intercept.


Powell was clearly deeply resentful about what he felt was the Clinton team (or "mafia" as he called it) trying to drag him into her email scandal.


In any case, an email on August 28 (after Powell’s public complaint that Clinton was "trying to pin" the scandal on him) suggests that he had patched things up with the Clinton team. "Spent last week with Cheryl Mills and the HRC team burying the email flap," he wrote, according to the Daily Caller.

That patch probably isn't going to hold now.

Just when he thought it was safe to go back in the water.
Powell has chosen not to get involved in the 2016 race just yet. Indeed, before the race had gotten started, back in July 2014 he wrote one email (posted by Will Rahn of CBS News) in which he said, "I would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect. A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home (according to the NYP)."
He's in it now, eh? About chest deep.

Oh, what fun we're havin' now.

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