Sunday, February 7, 2016

Jesus Christ, Gloria

WTF happened to you?

She sounds like Barbara Bush, not a decades-long feminist.
“Gloria Steinem’s statement was the worst kind of sweeping generalization I’ve heard in years about women my age,” said Moumita Ahmed, 25. She has been campaigning for Sanders as one of the leaders of the Millenials for Bernie movement.

“I was hurt because I consider her to be an icon of the feminist movement,” she continued. “I identify as a feminist. I’m not sure how she could admit us young women are graduating with more debt and earning less money, then say young women are supporting Bernie Sanders to impress all the boys.”
Indeed.  And what's this about radical women would support Hillary over Bernie anyway?  Bernie is a hell of a lot more radical than Hillary.

But, to insult young women who choose Bernie by saying they're just looking to be where the boys are - does she really think that?  Is that how she was when she was young?  Does she think this is about sex?

Apparently, with age, Ms. Steinem has lost enough estrogen that she's turned into a man.

Time for the pasture, Gloria.  Pack up.

UPATE: 2/8/16

"Talk-show interruptus"?

Sorry, G, you already blew it.

I thought I'd keep with her obvious preoccupation with sex.

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