Thursday, March 5, 2015

Add Seoul to Benghazi

North Korea [news agency] has said the razor attack on the US ambassador to South Korea, Mark Lippert, was “just punishment” for the two countries’ joint military drills. The assault has left the US official’s face slashed, but he is now recovering.


The man responsible for the attack was arrested and has been identified as a 55-year-old Kim Ki-jong, Reuters reported. Notably, this isn't the first time Kim has attacked a foreign diplomat, as he was jailed in 2010 for throwing a piece of concrete at a Japanese ambassador.


“The US has been in South Korea since 1950. Many progressive activists [there] feel that the US military presence – tens of thousands of troops – a half a century later is not to protect South Korea from North Korean aggression, but to exercise dominance over South Korea’s political establishment and to maintain US military bases in this very important part of Asia,” according to Brian Becker, director of the Answer Coalition, speaking to RT.


“We do notice that the United States occupies 130 countries with a thousand military installations and keeps some countries as divided as it has in the case of the Korean peninsula – that can only lead to heightened tension.”

Oh, yeah. It’s always OUR fault.

It’s getting rough on ambassadors these days. Of course, it will just be blamed on the Democrats' incompetence at security.

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