Sunday, January 20, 2013

It's Sunday

I didn't vote for Jimmy Carter.  His out-front references to his religion bothered me too much.  But I admit, I was wrong about him. 

Here's the thing: while in my lifetime religion has been allowed to play a bigger and bigger role in our presidential election process, and each president gives more lip service than the last to Christianity during his campaign, none of them actually behave like Christ.  Their careers are all about the power and the money.  And when they're done presidentin', they embed themselves in the corporate/financial world, and perhaps put their name on a charitable project or two. 

Not Jimmy Carter.  Jimmy Carter, at age 88, has been walking the walk since the day he left the oval office.  He's out in the world literally, physically, doing the good works that the others give lip service to when it seems politically necessary. 

I sometimes wonder how he ever got to the presidency in the first place.  Was he more of a politician and less of a humanitarian back in his political career?  I don't know.  But, good on you, Jimmy Carter - the only major US political figure I'm aware of who has the right to call himself a Christian.  And you never hear him mention it. 

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