Sunday, December 11, 2011

Now You're Just Being Silly

It looks like Mitt Romney had a devastating moment during Saturday night’s Iowa debate. At one point he offered Rick Perry a $10 thousand dollar bet, and the Democrats already see a messaging moment that’s practically manna from heaven.

Devastating? Really?

I keep seeing references to this $10,000 bet as though it’s a huuuuuge faux pas. Like only a totally disconnected uber wealthy bubble resident - which Mitt may very well be - would say something like that. WTF?

Do we really think Mitt was seriously proposing a real bet?  We all know Mitt is richer than god, but has no one out there ever said something like that? Like – "I'll bet you ten thousand dollars I’m right." ?? Yes you have. And you probably even said, “I betcha a million dollars.”

Come on, people.  At most it was crass and juvenile of Mitt.  Don't be stupid back.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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