Wednesday, August 16, 2017

House Representatives Move to "Censure and Doncemn" Trump

(click resolution image to enlarge)

It won't happen, but it's the right thing to attempt it.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 8/19:
The current president* clearly doesn't care about either the job or the institution, so my guess is that the censure resolution will pass, and he'll tweet about it all morning the next day, and schedule a rally in Ohio or some place a week later, where he'll say something vicious and/or stupid about the whole business, and that will be the end of it.

Moreover, censure gives nervous Republicans a perfect out. That the president* is worthy of at least a preliminary impeachment inquiry in the House seems beyond question by now. The violation of his oath as regards the Emoluments Clause in Washington alone is worth poking around at with a sharp stick. But the Republican House is led by Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny starver from the state of Wisconsin, and he doesn't have the belly for something like that, not when there's more of the nation's wealth to shove upwards. A censure, though, especially one that everybody in the Congress knows is toothless, is the legislative equivalent of all that mealymouthed swill we've heard since last Saturday, by which people deplore what the president* said about Nazis, but can't seem to remember who the president* actually is.

  Charles P Pierce

UPDATE 8/22:

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