Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Recovering Some of the Spotlight

Now that all eyes are on the upcoming (tomorrow night) Brian Williams interview with Ed Snowden...
Glenn Greenwald, who helped Edward Snowden leak sensitive documents about the National Security Agency spying on its citizens, says he’s set to publish his most dramatic piece yet, which will reveal those in the USA who were targeted by the NSA.

I think we have gotten the picture already that they will be people and organizations who have been speaking out against government policies, peace activists and the like.

And Justin Raimondo called it when he speculated that the stories Greenwald kept alluding to that were yet to come were revelations of specific NSA targets.

UPDATE:  Or maybe that was the plan....Snowden has things to reveal in a major forum (particularly so in the US) and then Greenwald reveals the targets.

FURTHER UPDATE:  Greenwald was in Moscow with Snowden and Williams.  As was Laura Poitras.  No doubt filming for her documentary-to-come on the Snowden affair.

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