Friday, May 23, 2014

Julian Assange Is Feeling Irrelevant

The NSA records almost all domestic and international phone calls in Afghanistan, similar to what it does in the Bahamas, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange said.


Assange says he cannot disclose how WikiLeaks confirmed the identity of the victim state for the sake of source protection, though the claim can be “independently verified” via means of “forensic scrutiny of imperfectly applied censorship on related documents released to date and correlations with other NSA programs.”

I could have made the same claim.  And I don't think there are many people left on the planet who wouldn't guess that the other country is Afghanistan.

According to a book released by Der Spiegel entitled 'Der NSA Komplex', a program called ACIDWASH collects 30-40 million telephony metadata records per day from Afghanistan. ACIDWASH has been identified as being part of the MYSTIC program.


Sadly, for Julian, if he does not have the proof, he is still irrelevant.

Although, I do take his point: how can one person (or a committee, for that matter) decide what is in the public interest and what might cause harm by its revelation?  On the other hand, if you are the person holding the information, who else can make the decision?  YOU have to decide.  If you pass the information to someone else to make the decision, you've already decided that it might be okay to reveal it.

Life is hard.

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