Saturday, March 17, 2018

Twitter war declared over McCabe firing

Attorney General Jeff Sessions's firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Friday night was reminiscent of the "Saturday Night Massacre" during the waning days of the Nixon administration, presidential historian Douglas Brinkley said.

"This'll be known as the 'Friday Night Slaughter,' " Brinkley told CNN. "The very idea that Jeff Sessions hasn't released something to inform the public of what this is, it was done in sort of a cloak of secrecy late at night, bizarre fashion. The fact that he was about to have his pension and they couldn't let it go."

"It's something very cruel and sad that's occurred tonight," he continued. "And I hope our country is going to wake up, I mean, Donald Trump is struggling for his life. He's paranoid, he decided McCabe was too close to Comey, and he decided to get rid of anybody and anything that's standing in his way of kind of survival mode right now."

  The Hill
The timing is definitely nasty. McCabe had stepped down back in January. They had all this time to fire him, and decided to do it at the last possible moment to not only prevent him from getting his pension, but to make that as obvious as possible. Not only is it nasty, it's very childish. But, that's our president. And Sessions, who did the actual dirty work, is no better. Too cowardly and too lacking in morals to refuse.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


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