Wednesday, November 15, 2017

He's Baaaaaaaaack

Forced?  Was he being tortured by Duterte?  He watches CNN every single day.  I know, 12 days seemed like months to him.

I don't know what success he's talking about.  He didn't do anything.  What did he do?  Got there and back.  And he skipped out early.

After about ten percent of the population and the killer are dead.  But, hey!  The "good guys" are on the scene.  (P.S.  It appears he was trying to refer to the most recent mass killing in Tehama County California and confused it with the earlier one in Texas.  Unbelievable that they come so rapidly that it's hard to keep up.  P.P.S.  That interpretation seems to be confirmed because he deleted the tweet without saying anything about it.)

It may be a little early for thanks.

Working hard!  Tell me again....what's he doing?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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