Sunday, October 15, 2017

If money won't do it, this isn't America

“Larry Flynt and Hustler magazine announce a cash offer of up to $10 million for information leading to the impeachment and removal from office of Donald J. Trump,” an advertisement published in the Washington Post on Sunday said.


The founder of the pornographic magazine did not pull any punches on President Trump, who has not even completed his first year in the Oval Office. Flynt said that the president simply is “dangerously unfit” to exercise his duties.

“Impeachment would be a messy, contentious affair, but the alternative – three more years of destabilizing dysfunction – is worse,” the advertisement reads.

Right you are, Larry. But, come on, you can afford more than that.
Flynt told the Washington Post that he expects to get the dirt “within a few days.”
I'm afraid he'll have to hire a team of hundreds to wade through all the submissions he'll get - none of which is likely to be a "smoking gun".
In October 2016, a month ahead of the presidential election, he offered up to $1 million for scandalous videos or audio recordings of Trump.
Apparently, a million wasn't enough. Unless that's how we got the pussy tape. And that wasn't enough to keep him from getting elected. So, what Flynt is looking for will have to be something that people who have the "gun" are probably also implicated in, so wouldn't likely give it up. But, hey. He could still get some stuff that will make Trump's head explode. 

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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