Saturday, August 12, 2017

No Hate in America

Violent clashes erupted between far-right nationalists and counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, prompting the governor to declare a state of emergency.


[S]uccessive groups of mostly young men, carrying Confederate flags, rune banners, “Kekistan” flags and other racist symbols entered via the south-east and south-west ends of the park.


The police declared an unlawful assembly alert and a spokesman for the force said the Virginia National Guard “will closely monitor the situation and will be able to rapidly respond and provide additional assistance if needed.”


At around 11:40am ET, after almost an hour of missile exchanges, gas attacks and intermittent face to face melees, police declared the Unite the Right assembly illegal and cleared the park with riot troops. Largely the far right groups were compliant, but they were forced to run the gauntlet of counter-protesters as they walked west along Market Street.


Come together as one big storm of fire and fury like the world has never seen before.  The place for this kind of violence is North Korea or Venezuela.

Yes. That's just for "radical Islam" - you have to say that.

But what makes you think he's condemning the new Nazis?  Maybe it's the violence returned by counter-protesters he doesn't like.

Charlottesville sad!??!

Presidentin' is hard.

caveat:  we don't know who was driving the car that plowed into peaceful counter-protesters.

UPDATE:  Ohio man charged.

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