Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Spicer: The Perfect Spokesperson for the Trump Administration

Donald Trump’s administration has had a long history of troubling winks, nods, and outright ties to anti-Semitism. And they have repeatedly offended the Jewish community: By leaving anti-Semitism out of its Holocaust Remembrance Day statement; being slow to denounce anti-Semitic attacks; attacking a Jewish reporter who asked about them; theorizing that those attacks were a false flag; and ending President Obama’s tradition of attending a Passover Seder.

And this history was just aggravated by Press Secretary Sean Spicer falsely claiming that Hitler never used chemical weapons.


Attempting to justify Donald Trump's unilateral decision to launch ineffective airstrikes on Syria, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer made just the administration's problems much worse, claiming — absurdly — that even Hitler "didn't sink to using chemical weapons." Millions of Jews slaughtered in gas chambers would beg to differ.


Hitler infamously used the chemical weapon Zyklon B to slaughter millions of Jews during the Holocaust.


Spicer tried to clean up his gaffe later in the briefing, but made things even worse [...]
VARGAS: Quote, “Hitler didn’t even sink to the level of using chemical weapons.” What did you mean by that?

SPICER: I think when you come to Sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Ashad (sic) is doing. I mean, there is clearly — thank you. I appreciate that. There was not — in the — he brought them into the Holocaust centers, I understand that. But I’m saying, in the way that Assad used them, where he went into towns, dropped them down to innocent, into the middle of towns, it brought — so the use of it, I appreciate the clarification there. That was not the intent.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer delivered a complete and unqualified apology for his comments about Hitler and the Holocaust, then promptly committed yet another gaffe when he said he did not want to be a distraction from Donald Trump's actions in Syria, and attempts "to destabilize the region."

Maybe that wasn't a gaffe.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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